Josette Luvmour, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Luvmour consulting
As a developmental consultant, educator, author, and public speaker, Josette specializes in the fields of human development, adult transformational learning, sustainable family relationships, and how adult and child grow together. She enjoys teaching educators at the SelfDesign Graduate University.
Over the years, Josette has delighted in sharing her expertise, knowledge, and understanding with adults, family groups, and professionals seeking to deepen self-awareness, enliven optimal well-being, and develop access to innate wisdom. She is principal producer of the popular podcast series Meetings with Remarkable Educators. Josette has authored five eBooks and six print books, including Grow Together: Parenting as a Path to Well-being, Wisdom, and Joy, as well as articles that focus on relationships with children. Grow Together has earned the Mom’s Choice Award.
Together with her husband and collaborator, Ba Luvmour, Josette co-created and developed Natural Learning Relationships, a whole-child understanding of child development that supports optimal well-being in children and families. They have studied and explored consciousness since they met in 1979 and have been using Natural Learning Relationships with children, families, and educators; in programs; and with schools since the 1980s. They have been instrumental in reinstituting rites of passage in contemporary culture.
Josette and Ba are advisers to public and private schools as well as authors specializing in whole-child development, education, and family dynamics. They live, work, and play together in Portland, Oregon, close to their children and grandchildren.